Before the commencement of harvesting operation, the FMU will conduct ground assessment and various stakeholder consultations to identify the protected area. The area identified as protected is mapped, demarcated and protected through continuous monitoring. Following table are potential areas are identified for protection and conservation;

NOcategoriesmanagement requirements
1Non-commercial or poorly stocked areaLow stocking area will be mapped and excluded
2Permanent WaterwayIdentification and demarcation based on the recommended width of a riparian buffer zone in the approved EIA by NREB.
3Terrain IVIdentification and mapping of steep terrain within Raplex FMU will be made based on IFSAR data interpretation for steep slope >35o.
4Water CatchmentsIdentification, mapping and ground demarcation for protection (Gazette and community).
5International Boundary and Totally Protected AreaProtection Buffer zone of one (1) kilometer width.
6Critical Resources and SitesProtection buffer zone of width 100 meters around the identified critical resources and sites to be demarcated and map.
7Research Plot and Permanent Sample PlotPermanent Sample Plot (PSP) established by FMU shall be protected with a 50m buffer around the plot perimeter boundary (subject to research treatment).
8Community Use Area and Cultural/Religious SitesProtection and demarcation of area for community use area shall be identified using community consultation with free, prior, and informed consent.Joint demarcation of the gazette and/or agreed community use area, cultural site and/or religious site shall be mutually agreed by the FMU and the community.
9Potential Tourism AreaRecreational and tourism potential shall also be identified and demarcated.
10Representative of Existing Forest EcosystemApproximately 47ha has been identified and the area shall be demarcated on map and protected from harvesting.
11Biological Corridor and Wildlife CorridorThe FMU is practicing sustainable and selective logging on the native forest or habitat.  Therefore, there will be no clear felling of forest or conversion of forest into other land use that leads to the fragmentation of habitat.
12High Conservation Value (HCV)The types of HCV areas are interpreted under the Malaysian National Interpretation for the Identification of High Conservation Values (HCV)