The Raplex FMU has been logged previously, and the dynamic of the forest and its commercial timber stocking requires assistance to regenerate in timeframes acceptable to commercial practices.  FMU has provide the following provision and management prescriptions to maintain, restore or enhance the productive capacity and ecological integrity of the forest.

a) Enrichment Planting:

  • Commence after harvesting has been completed as certified by the FMU operator
  • Species to plant – Kelampayan and other Dipterocarp species (if seed/seedlings source available)
  • Being carried out on plantable skid trail – to generate vegetative cover to reduce the impact of rain on the cleared soil surface.
  • Kelampayan seedlings are raised in a forest nursery.
  • Monitoring will also be conducted to assess its condition, growth, pest and disease problem.
  • Manuring, weeding, census and monitoring are carried out every 4-6 months after the first planting to ensure better survival.

b) Climber Vine Cutting:

  • The cutting of vines and climbers on  or near to the merchantable trees, potential crop tree (PCT) and protection trees will be cut before harvest activities to minimize logging damage to surrounding area

In the future, Raplex FMU may apply other silvicultural methods based on the recommendation of Forest Department Sarawak/Sarawak Forestry Corporation or based on the results of research and studies pertaining to the FRA, PSP, pre-harvesting inventory and post-logging assessment.