The new MC&I Standard under indicator 6.5.5 requires FMU to prepare Forest Fire Management Plan (FFMP) for implementation in all fire -prone forest types. Under the FFMP, Raplex FMU has conducted a risk assessment for fire-prone forest types within FMU and provide a measure to prevent and control forest fire within FMU. Based on the current information, the risk of forest fire is classified as below;

A. Internal Forest Fire Risk

forest fire typerisk leveldescriptions
Prescribed FireZeroNo prescribed burning is being implemented in Raplex FMU Forest operation
Structural FireLowPresence of firefighting measures – fire extinguishers and Emergency Response Plan.
Structure’s area usually located at a distance from forest on cleared land.
WildlifeMedium*Potential spread from farming activities in Community Use area inside Raplex FMU

B. External Forest Fire Risk

forest fire typerisk leveldescriptions
Prescribed FireZeroNo prescribed burning in adjacent Forest Plantation or LPF
Structural FireLowIsolated development and presence of firefighting measures
WildlifeMedium*Potential spread from farming activities in Shifting Agriculture (SA) land and Forest Plantation located adjacent to Raplex FMU

The forest fire prevention and control conducted by the FMU included:

  1. increase awareness among forest workers, local communities through the placement of ” No Open Burning” signboards at strategic location,
  2. conduct patrolling as an effective detection and prevention method during a drought period especially in the area adjacent to local communities shifting agricultural site or farmland,
  3. placement of other administrative measure i.e. instructions to workers not to conduct any open burning, to provide signage (e.g., No Burning) at designated locations and Actively consulting and communicating with its adjacent stakeholders in preventing and controlling forest fire potentially spreading into FMU
  4. and establishment of fire/emergency action plan.