Management Prescriptions set by Forest Department Sarawak

Sarawak Government Forest Management Policies:

  1. Sarawak Forest Policies 2019
  2. Policy Direction for Forest Management Certification in Sarawak

Timber harvesting operation shall exclusively be carried out through Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), intensively planned and carefully controlled activities to minimize the impact of harvest activities on the forest.  The planning of RIL shall be carried out rationally and systematically following Forest Department Sarawak “RIL for Ground-Based Harvesting System Part 1 and Part 2”. Selective harvesting of Raplex FMU will be carried out using ground-based harvesting by using a combination of long-distance winching excavators for extraction of logs to the skid trail and tractors for skidding logs to block landings.

Summary of management prescription approved by FDS:

  • the management will be adopting a 25-year cutting cycle
  • Minimum diameter cutting limit (MDCL) 50 cm DBH for Dipterocarp species and 45 cm DBH for non-Dipterocarp species
  • Based on the 22 FRA based PSP data analysed by FDS in February 2024, from the revised net production area of 48,072 hectare in the FMU, an average of 2,403.6 hectare would be harvested per annum resulting in an Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) of 56,564.99 m3 per annum.
  • A Monthly Production Limit (MPL) is imposed in accordance with Section 64 (1) (a) of Forest Ordinance, 2015 (Cap.71).

Management Prescription set by the FMU

This Forest Management Plan will initially cover a period of 10 years and is intended to commence in 2018.  The management of the FMU shall make available adequate resources, facilities and programmes for the training of forest workers, and instructions to its employee and contractors for proper implementation of the forest management plan.

Raplex FMU has developed its first Sustainable Forest Management Policy in 20th December 2017 that define the goal of FMU and provide guidance to achieve management objective. A revision of policy was made on 1st Feb 2021 to update on the new requirement outlined in the Malaysian Criteria and indicator for Sustainable Forest Management (MC&I SFM).

Sustainable Forest Management Policy

The general management objectives are as follows:

  1. The forest planning shall be based on the sustainable forest management principle through balancing the need to be economically viable, environmentally sound and socially acceptable forest operations.
  2. The forest shall be managed with the objective to maintain and/or enhance the integrity of forest ecosystem functions and strengthen their self-renewal capacity. The appropriate silviculture method shall be implemented to enhance forest timber stocking and its quality.
  3. The forest management approach shall be directed to optimize the productivity of the timber and non-timber products, taking into account the restriction and the need arises from conservation efforts and social-economics requirements.
  4. Continuous participatory stakeholder consultation to facilitate and support management planning, implementation and monitoring process of forest management.
  5. During plan implementation, continuous efforts shall be undertaken to improve and achieve its objectives, thus contributing to the sustainable development for the multiple benefits of all stakeholders in the forest management unit.

Raplex FMU is being managed by Raplex Sdn Bhd (Licensee of Forest Timber License No. T/0560), while the logging contractor is Ironwall Sdn Bhd.  The Licensee is a wholly owned subsidiaries company of Ta Ann Holdings Berhad.

The FMU is committed to training of forest workers to implement this FMP through compliance with Part IV Chapter 3 “Workmen” of the Forests Ordinance, 2015 contains sections 49, 50 and 51 through STA Training Sdn Bhd, the appointed training provider, and also other relevant external and internal training provider.

The management also preparing an adequate budget to ensure that this management plan can be successfully implemented and at the same strive towards the economic viability of its harvesting operation while ensuring a wide range of environmental and social benefits.  

The FMU acknowledged that some parts of the information and prescriptions of this Forest Management Plan may rapidly change and will need to be revised earlier.

A mid-term review of this Plan is expected at the end of the 5th year of implementation in 2023 and it will take into consideration the following:

  1. Results of the reassessment of the permanent sample plots that are being carried out periodically on a 3-5 years interval.
  2. Latest updates of the baseline data of the forest resources.
  3. Results of the monitoring of the harvesting operation, post-harvesting activities, protection and conservation areas.
  4. The possible introduction of new logging techniques and silvicultural treatment procedures.
  5. Changes in the environmental, social and economic factors.